Creative Curriculum Expert

Karen Stanley - Creative Curriculum Expert
With over 20 years' experience in education both as a teacher and assistant headteacher, I have a deep understanding of the National Curriculum and Education Policy. My love of writing and literacy was deepened during my teaching career and now I am able to combine my passion for writing with m​y curriculum expertise to help children's activity providers and educators to add credibility to their programs through creative planning support and robust curriculum links.

Are you stuck with planning?
Do you offer amazing activities, but need help to think of some creative ideas that really link your program to key topics?
Book an hour with me and you will come away inspired and with some great ideas for topics moving forward!

My intensive 6-week course will arm you with the skills, tools and knowledge to create your own comprehensive plans that can be easily transferred to other areas and topics.
​At the end of my 6 Week Lesson & Topic Planning Course you will create a cohesive and well-structured 6-12 week scheme of work which can be transferred and applied to other topics and curriculum areas.
The knowledge and skills that you learn on any of my courses can be used to add value to your promotional literature, for your social media content or to enhance your nursery and school communications.
Would you like to be part of an exclusive, members only group on Facebook that gives you the opportunity to ask your curriculum questions at any time?
My EXCLUSIVE CURRICULUM EXPERT Q&A GROUP gives you continual access to my help and expertise. Ask questions about your lesson planning, curriculum issues, pitch or delivery. All questions will also help other members of this supportive community. I promise to answer your questions within 24 hours.
Click the button to join the group...